Sunday, April 15, 2007


I have been at the World Premiere of 300 in Berlin where I watched this fantastic movie – a movie not only for MEN! I got sucked in from the very first moment! I don't want to say too much about the story itself–I don't want to spoil anything for you. But let me explain that this kind of movie isn't usually my cup of tea. But when I saw the first trailer I knew I wanted to see it badly. And 300 didn't disappoint me–it was even better than expected.

From the very first moment, you can see the fantastic colors and the amazing visuals. I got hooked. I loved the way how the film sped up and slowed down at some certain key moments. It was stunning!!! There were moments where the music set in and shivers and adrenaline were running thought my body. Moments where I held my breath. Sometimes I had to hold myself back not to scream out loud "YEAH!" You can see how much this movie sucked me in.

The battle scenes: I feared them, because I hate too much violence in a movie. But they were stunning. These scenes were incredibly beautifully choreographed. These scenes gave me the feeling of a choreographed dance of warriors. Beautiful to watch. Powerful, aesthetic and elegant. Yes, they were brutal (without a doubt–sometimes I had to hold my hand before my eyes – but only for a short moment because I didn't want to miss something) but they still were amazing. And all this slowing down and speeding up makes these scenes more tense more beautiful. And you can feel the adrenaline rush of the warriors.

And in between these scenes there were this modern phrases like "we are in for a wild night." Some could say they don't fit into this movie. I loved it. It's incredibly cool and they made me laugh sometimes. And that was great; it eased the tension. These sentences lightened the moment. The perfect pause before the action goes on again.

Gerard Butlers acting is absolutely powerful. It is full of passion, full of emotions (love, anger and so much more). You can see the fire burning inside of him, the sadness, the inner struggles, but also the dignity and the kindness of the King. (I guess these were the scenes I loved most–where I saw his dignity, kindness and love). His way of showing you his emotions through his eyes, I guess is stronger than ever. I love this – I love when actors are able to express so much only with their eyes without saying anything. And all these fantastic close-ups just made these scenes perfect! But it was not only Gerard Butlers acting, but the other actors also performed extremely well. A perfect team and I got the feeling that all the actors are chosen because of this ability to be a team. It would take too long to mention every single actor/actress. For me it was an incredible cast.

The sound was excellent, especially during the battle scenes. For example, when metal meets metal(it's hard to explain this for me – but when you see the movie you might know what I'm talking about). Not to forget the soundtrack. It makes the whole impression of this movie complete. Again full of power and then very emotional. I loved it.

This movie is more than an action movie for me. It's about love, camaraderie, the defending of what they love, of what they believe in. It's about the power not to give up but follow their destiny and to do what they think is the right thing to do. And it's also about the big love between the King and the Queen.

For me personally this movie is unique. It's a masterpiece of visual effects, color, sounds, soundtrack and the absolutely stunning performance of the actors. That's my own personal opinion. The opinion of a woman who already loved the powerful trailer, but wasn't sure if she would like the movie as well. Maybe you get the feeling that I'm praising this movie too much. But I can't help myself. That's exactly what I'm feeling, what I'm thinking. And believe me, if I thought differently, I wouldn't bother to write anything about it. And I'm definitely longing to see this movie again.

Even now as I'm writing this, I can feel the same emotions as I felt during the watching of 300. It just blew me away. After the movie there were standing ovations !!! What a great evening! What an amazing movie!

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